团队负责人:刘·亨吉(Liu Hengjin)
运动员:Yan Kunhui崇拜该国和国家。 Huo Xiaoyi,Ye Xiangfei,Chen Qingfeng
沉富,李,陈和陈,张Yaohui和Chen Xiao
Shaanxi县Daying Town的Daying Village一直是Shaanxi县的政治,经济,文化和运输中心。它距离东方的Sanmenxia市15公里,穿过209和310国家高速公路的村庄,北部的Lianhuo Expressway以及南部的Longhai Railway和Sanmenxia West站。运输非常方便。该村庄有9个管理区,56个村民,2,637户家庭,9,320个农业人口,2,200个城市人口,总耕地面积为6,260 MU。在“三个代表”的重要思想的指导下,整个村庄都通过“谷物,蔬菜,水果,畜牧业以及工业和商业交通和饮料建设”遵守农村经济的跨发展。 2007年,整个村庄的人均净收入达到6300元。整个村庄都有富裕的生活和和平的生活,并且是第一个进入良好生活的人。
1958年4月24日,心爱的首屈一指的周和副总理彭·杜伊(Peng Dehuai)参观了营地。总理的认真教义始终激发和激发了干部和村庄中群众团结和锻造的热情。近年来,根据“积极发展,尽力而为,强调重点,专注于群众和为村民服务的精神”,我们已经集中了有限的资金来增加公共福利基础设施的建设,并不断地建设满足并改善村民不断增长的社会和文化需求。一个覆盖18,000平方米面积的文化和体育活动中心已投资超过800万元。它设有图书馆的阅览室,娱乐室,休闲和健身领域等,并拥有各种文化和体育活动。它的建筑面积为5300平方米,一个固化的地点为6,000平方米,并设有150多组各种健身设备(零件)。 2003年4月,当国际奥林匹克委员会执行委员,中国奥林匹克委员会荣誉主席Zhenliang先生领导中国奥林匹克委员会的代表团检查村庄时,他很高兴地写道:“只有农民的体育发展发展可以有真正的国家运动吗?” ”铭文。除篮球外,白天农民体育中心还可以进行大规模的文化表演,乒乓球,羽毛球,排球,战争拖船,扬科,体操,国际象棋和纸牌活动,也是普通公众的最佳场所练习早晨和晚上的练习。特别是,在村庄建立的农民体育协会下面有12项大规模体育活动,并坚持组织和指导整个村庄定期进行体育活动。在过去的三年中,假期和主要节日举行了50多次体育比赛。现在,每天多达3,880人参加国家健身,占总人口的41%。每年由乡村委员会分配的活动资金分配。超过200,000元。自1992年以来,该村庄每两年举行一次“ Shan County Daying Cup”篮球邀请赛的“ Shan County Daying Cup”,并在迄今为止已成功举行了7次会议。同时,它还共同组织了省农民的“庆祝收获”篮球比赛,欢迎“回归”员工篮球比赛,省农民篮球比赛,Sanmenxia City的“ Shuanghui Cup”篮球比赛,Shaanxi县两名员工游戏,Shaanxi县农民的游戏和其他活动。 2002年全国男篮联盟在Sanmenxia City举行。在此期间,该团队被邀请参加夏语比赛,这使农民的眼睛饱餐。 2004年10月,全国女子篮球俱乐部青年女子篮球联赛决赛被作为7天的28场比赛场地举行,吸引了100,000多名观众,使公众能够观看高级女子篮球比赛而无需离开家中。
在三个文明的协调发展中,戴宁村赢得了四个全国性的冠军。也就是说,“ Shaan County Daying Village Chronicle”是编译和出版的,并受到新华社为该国的第一本乡村级期刊的称赞;超过180万元的投资被用来建造第一批国家阶级蒲公英乡村儿童文化公园。用于建造300万元的投资,以容纳该国拥有5,000多人的村庄级农民体育馆的第一个村庄级农民体育馆;白村儿童文化公园的两个儿童艺术节目首次前往中国,向党的领导人和州的胡金托,江·春云等报告了表演,并为沙兰克西县的34万人赢得了荣耀。 《人民日报》(Henan Daily),闭路电视和中国国家广播电台(Henan Daily)报道。它连续赢得了全国高级大众体育集体,国家高级文化工作的集体,民族艺术的全国民间艺术,河南省的高级基层派对组织,河南省的农民体育工作高级村庄,并被以2007年12月,省级党委员会和省政府。文明的村庄和城镇”……危险绘画被出版为“ Daying:西部河南的闪亮珍珠”。
团队负责人:du Xinli
运动员:Zhang ke wang da long wang yalong ding guoying Zhao Junjie
Su Xin,Li Ye,Liu Lin,Yu Xiang,Ma Shuai
Hejin City Senglou Town的Beifangping Village拥有6,400多人。它是赫金市第二大村庄,也是经济和税款中最大的村庄。 Beifangping Village拥有3,790英亩的土地,该党总部有112名党员,并在三家企业中建立了企业党分支机构。该村庄位于城市以北八公里处,与卢迪村(Loudi Village)相连,该村庄位于镇政府位于东部,与西部的209号国家高速公路相连,并与北部的Luliang Mountain相连,有两条高速公路,南部的卢国王和南张。和尚的高速公路来自村庄。经过,有三条水泥乡村道路连接到北方和南部,并设有三个水平和五个垂直运输网络。
Beifangping村庄的土地平坦而肥沃。北部和南部轮廓的五个洪水流到常规的方形田地5,000英亩。 15,000米的黄河扬库车站频道通向每个田地。青海两次灌溉,干旱和洪水保证收获。已经超过一千年了。 “广场建筑的底部是昌an”的声誉。
Beifangping Village已在Hejin成为高级村庄已有50年了。 1959年和1960年,他参加了全国民兵大会以及文化,教育与健康会议。他收获了保险杠谷物,并开发了多元化的业务运营。他每天都在Shanxi和人民每天都在Shanxi。 “自从改革和开放以来,有许多才华。企业家由Xue Dianmin,Xue Yongmin,Zhang Ximin,Xue Tongfa和Yuan Qinggan代表,勇敢,并具有前所未有该国的前100个县和该省最富有的城市在2007年。
Yuncheng City授予Beifanging Village“五个好派对分支机构”,“民主和法律示范村”和“文明村”,以及Hejin City授予“高级基层党组织”,“高级村庄中的高级村庄”,“高级村庄”在教育上,“在教育中”的标题是“计划生育中的高级村庄”在过去15年中十次获得了赫金·新罕杯篮球冠军的农村小组冠军和Yuncheng Yuncheng Xinhe杯篮球锦标赛的乡村冠军。
团队负责人:刘东乌(Liu Yongwu)
教练:Yang Youquan
运动员:王Yu,Cao Jianhua,Li Zhiyong,Wang Hu,Zu guangyang
Wanjie Du Jian Wu Zeng Zhao Bei Zhang Yongzeng
Zheng Jiantan Zhigang
Haojiabu村位于Ordos,这是内蒙古自治区举世闻名的世界著名“金三角”之一。该村的总面积为4.88平方公里,总人口为9,951人。乡村派对分支机构的一群人具有独特的位置优势和迅速增长,具有进取心,开创性和创新性。自2004年以来,已经引入并筹集了56亿元的资金,科学计划且合理的布局,并建立了一个具有很高起点和高标准的全新Haojiabu。如今,向人们展示的是带有高层建筑和街道的城市景观。人们的年收入达到38,000元,人均起居区为52平方米。村民的生活达到了一个富裕的社会,并变得富有。经济的发展推动了各种社会事业的全面发展,例如文化和体育。 Haojiabu的人民正在采取剧烈的步骤,并朝着中国西部的第一村前进。
团队负责人:Wei Yingge
运动员:Zhao Nan,Liu Bin,Bai Dan,Wang Xin,Wu Henan
Zhang Jun Hualun Wenbin Hou Liteng Xiushu Peng du Jintao
Su Chang和Li Xiaojun
Beipaozhuang Village位于Tianjin Dagang区的Xiaowangzhuang镇。它覆盖了64平方公里的面积,人口为1,510人,5,500吨可耕地,1,500吨果园和300 mu的菜园。它依次获得了“天津文明村”和“天津村建设高级单位,“高级村庄在城市的计划生育”,“公共安全高级村庄”,“天津农业生态村”和“ tianjin五个项目高级项目先进单位”。2008年,它被天津旅游局指定为一个生态农业旅游村。该村庄有两个农业生态果园,超过200英亩的无污染的水上性水上产品以及其他旅游和休闲设施。它是农业休闲旅游的生态旅游村。
团队负责人:Li Wenhai Zhuang Peizhong
教练:Huang Peisen和Wu Jingliang
运动员:Wu Jingliang,Lin Yufeng,Chen Jianmin,Wu Huiqing,Li Xiaoguang,Chen Yizhao
Xu Hongrong,黄小龙门,林·温汗,黄金宾,刘杨,李Zefeng
Luoyang镇上的上学村,拥有杰出的人,美丽的风景,许多名人,并具有深厚的历史和文化遗产。中国研究硕士Gu Hongming的祖先在上学村。该村建造的“ Gu Honging Memorial Hall”已成为促进中国研究并在台湾海峡双方之间建立联系的重要联系。该村有4个自然村庄,人口为4,330,移民人口为25,000。 USAKA的人民有经商的才能,灵活而敏感,善于抓住机会,进行科学发展,环游世界,并从年轻的心中培养业务理念,创造一群杰出的才能。在开放和改革的过去30年中,村庄中的商人数量超过三分之一,村里有200多个大型和小型企业,占当地的90%以上。有衣服,袋子,鞋子,帽子,珍珠棉等。它的衣服,鞋子和帽子出售给大型和中型城市的大学,小学和中学以及市场;它的袋子出售给国外市场。 Usaka的鞋子非常独特,主要是布鞋,风格各异,质量可靠和无限的年龄,既便宜又负担得起。服装以校服为主导,包括西装和运动服,这些服装在春季,夏季,秋季和冬季完成。 Uenaka的行李符合国际市场,并提供市场需求。 Uezaka Enterprise的产品既具有平常和特殊性,既可爱又可爱。
“生活是富裕的,你必须健康。”在专注于经济建设的同时,上海村非常关注丰富村民的文化和运动生活。完整的文化和体育硬件设施;这里有一个群众活动中心,室外健身路径,室内排球场,排球场,乒乓球室,国际棋盘,登机口法庭,bocce Court,Bocce Court,Dart Room,标准照明篮球,可以容纳4,000名观众,那里有县级道德教育基础“中国研究硕士纪念馆”和南尼培训基地。整个上海已经成为文化和体育活动的日常工作。连续四年举行了四场“ SIPG杯”篮球比赛。每场篮球比赛都持续了一个或两个月,被称为南部福建乡村的“ NBA”。 2002年,它因全国数亿农民的健身活动而被接受,并成为了高级单位之一。
运动员:Li Chang Gan Hongfei Li Shaocong Jin Yundong Wenkai Qingbian Dongjie
Fengqiu县Jinglonggong Township的Zhuyuanzhai村位于县镇以南5公里处,人口为1200,平均耕地为1.5 mu。朱扬兹村村是河南省著名的体育村,尤其是篮球比赛,取得了杰出的成就。在2005年,2006年和2007年,他代表Fengqiu县参加了三次由省运动局组织的河南省农民篮球比赛,并赢得了第一名。第三名的好结果。 2008年,朱尤恩兹海葡萄酒行业公司的篮球队参加了新西安周末篮球联赛并赢得了冠军。他在2008年6月23日至29日在江苏鲁戈县举行的国家健康乡村农民篮球比赛中赢得了东方人师的亚军。建设中。他们为朱扬兹村体育产业的发展做出了巨大贡献。
团队负责人:Zhang Xingguo
教练:Chen Yinshu
运动员:Li Zhe,Li Weidong,Yu Haihu,Han Zhongjian,Chen Bin,Cheng Junxiang
Zhang Bo Zhu Ze li jun Zhang wei rong wei Zhu shunguo
进入江苏省鲁戈市的搬进城镇的Huliu社区,环顾四周,您可以看到道路是平坦的,河流整洁,农田是广场,私人工业社区,私人工业社区,种植和繁殖公园以及集中的居民区农民的分裂且功能齐全,整个社区都很美丽而整洁。 ,宜人的环境。
2007年1月,中国共产党鲁戈市政委员会秘书长陈·惠尤恩(Chen Huijuan)专门促进了在全市范围的乡镇干部会议上的村庄的成就和经验; 2007年4月,全市范围的关键工作促销会议的所有代表都参观了该村。 2007年9月,在四个市政团队的领导下,该市富裕建筑促销会议的代表们特别去了该村进行检查。同时,附近县和城市的人们也来参观。仅在2007年,他们就收到了40多批次的访客和各方的检查。
其次,该村庄致力于加速促进国家企业家精神,并不断增加社区居民的营业收入。为了为私营企业发展营造良好的氛围,根据村庄条件对村庄的私人工业社区进行了合理的计划。之后,通过“邀请进出,出去”的形式,我们将吸引来自国外的才华横溢的人回家开展业务,吸引外国投资者在村庄创办企业,并积极地在该村手工艺品加工中培养有才华的人。张宗尤(Zhang Zhengyu),他是胡利(Huliu)的本地人,他在安海(Anhui)创业。为了使张郑尤回到他的家乡开展业务,社区党委员会副秘书王张格安(Wang Zhengxiang)一再与他交谈,并去了安伊(Anhui)与他多次讨论。在打算返回他的家乡经营一家工厂后,王张格西安(Wang Zhengxiang)主动为他完成了各种程序,例如为他完成了诸如土地租赁和工业和商业管理,这使张张金约(Zhang Zhengyu)极大地移动了。正是在社区党委员会和邻里委员会的努力下,由王·宗教(Wang Zhengxiang),纳坦·杜普林(Nanton)杜普林叶有限公司(Nantong Pumengsheng Machinery Manducturing Co.,Ltd. Juxing 34个企业,包括铸造和锻造有限公司和Rugao非标准轴承有限公司,在社区定居,社区中有348个工业和商业家庭,并转移了近600名盈余劳动者。
有效农业的发展和国家企业家精神的实施大大增加了居民的收入。 2007年,整个村庄的人均净收入达到了8,000多元,这确实增强了“ Huliu People”的钱包。
面对原始的肮脏,凌乱和糟糕的现象,来自乡村社区党委员会和邻里委员会的一群人侧重于建造新乡村的整体要求,精心组织,经过精心组织,制定的详细纠正计划,并尽一切努力,并竭尽全力创造一个美丽的生活环境。该村组织了大量的干部和社区,以全面清理社区中的河流,道路,庭院等。仅在2007年,就挖出了一条居民河流,清洁了8个4级河流,并清理了4,800米长的河流,并填充了废物沟和池塘。 13,去除了1,600多棵其他树木,运输了800多个干草桩,除去了1000多吨垃圾,种植了4,500多个新的绿色幼苗,种植了10,000平方米的草坪,并种植了两条碎石路。被铺好,两个新的铺路。一条水泥路长1,800米,社区中的道路平稳且平稳,基本上已经实施了三维绿化,成为该省“六辆清洁和六座建筑”的示范村。
在此基础上,乡村社区已竭尽全力促进为农民建造集中居民区。计划为农民共有两个集中定居点,面积为486 mu。但是,一开始就很难实施它,并且关于干部与群众之间的理解有许多不同的看法。为了应对这个问题,乡村社区党委员会和邻里委员会不惧怕困难,在各个层面上统一思想,提高他们的意识,并动员大多数干部和大众从发展的角度看待问题。同时,有些人组织起来参观并拓宽视野,直到他们的意见基本统一为止。直到。为了确保农民之间的集中生活的有序进步,在加速建筑的同时,我们将严格控制该地区以外的房屋的建设,严格控制当场的房屋的翻新,并动员能够在居民中建造房屋的居民社区进入社区。因此,农民集中的居民区的建设显示出了繁荣的景象。该村庄已改善了具有高标准的辅助设施,以高标准的方式美化了该地区的环境,并根据“建造一批,支撑批次并以高标准,高标准,高标准的环境,建立了高标准并建立高度要求。乡村社区受到了中国共产党鲁戈市政委员会的高度赞扬,以其有效的土地储蓄。
据说:“铁匠一定很坚强。”一群来自社区党委员会和邻里委员会的人注意基层党组织作为战斗要塞的作用以及党员作为先驱者和模型的作用,始终将学习放在首位,并认真研究该党在该党在该党的各个方面农村。政策和政策,坚持跟上时代的步伐,并努力建立自己的形象。尤其是自从“从乡村向中国学习并向农村地区的Wu Renbao学习”的活动,他们已经彻底研究并实践了西中国村的先进经验,并且在各个方面的全面质量都得到了极大的改善。所有社区干部都严格与自己建立榜样,以实践社会主义的荣誉和耻辱概念为首,并带头实施该党的各种界限,原则和政策。请注意照顾弱势群体,并经常拜访极度贫穷的家庭和五个保证家庭,以使他们感到党的温暖。真正促进民主,谦卑地倾听群众的观点,不要做一个人,而是将权力移交给人民。在建立诚信时,团队的所有成员都是诚实和诚实的,公正,不要利用自己的权力来个人利益,不要进行赌博,不要从事封建迷信,并努力担任官方并受益人民真正形成了一个团结,并共同努力建立一个新的社会主义乡村积极的氛围。
该村增加了建立社区文化的努力。 When the community funds are relatively short, on the one hand, it strives for subsidies from superiors, and on the other hand, it uses the help of community-enterprise friendship and other forms to seek funding from corporate bosses, and raises more than 300,000 yuan from multiple sources. , In April 2006, a community public service center with a usable area of more than 600 square meters was built. The community public service center includes 2,400 square meters of sports venues, and is equipped with conference rooms, offices, multi-functional halls, gyms, and farmhouse bookshops. It has initially formed a multi-functional collection of meetings, learning, entertainment, fitness rooms, fitness paths, basketball courts and other functions. The integrated mass activity venue can basically meet the increasingly rich cultural and sports needs of community residents.
The village makes full use of the community population school, continuously strengthens the transfer of employment training for surplus labor in the community, effectively improves residents' scientific and cultural qualities, and enhances residents' employment and entrepreneurship capabilities. We are committed to improving residents' health projects and continuously improving the service level of community public health. Taking the creation of civilized households as a carrier, we will carry out in-depth mass spiritual civilization creation activities such as "Five Good Civilized Family" and "Ten Star Civilized Households", continuously strengthen residents' ideological and moral education, and actively advocate a scientific and civilized lifestyle. Solidly promote the work of national insurance, gradually implement agricultural insurance for farmers who originally requisitioned land, and at the same time actively expand the agricultural insurance coverage of the entire community and strive to build a harmonious community. The village taps the potential of charitable resources, vigorously develops charity, innovates donations, gives full play to the role of the community's "love supermarket", and does everything possible to help residents solve the most concerned problems and the most urgent problems to be solved, and strives to eliminate poverty in the community Let the fruits of development benefit the majority of residents.
The remote and remote areas of the past are now "blue sky, green land, clear water, and good living", and have become one of the top ten projects for the construction of new rural areas in Rugao City, an advanced community for concentrated farmers in Rugao City, a beautiful village in Nantong City, and Nantong City The demonstration site for cadres' diligence and integrity and the demonstration village of “Six Cleanups and Six Constructions” in Jiangsu Province has become the “leader” of village-level economic development in Gaoshatu area in western Rugao City and is known as the “No. 1 Village in Xixiang, Rugao”.
As a new generation of Hu Liu people, it is their obligation to benefit the people of Hu Liu community. In the future, the community party committee and neighborhood committee will further study the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and aim to "learn Zhangjiagang and build a new Rugao", and always make it their own pursuit to make profits for the people and benefit the people, and emancipate the mind. , self-pressure, aggressive, courageous, and more clear-cut ideas for development, and more motivation to work, truly build Huliu Community into the "first village" in the western part of Rugao! The people of Huliu are following the path of pursuing ideals and creating The speed and the history of Hu Liu. The awakening of Hu Liu, the rise of Hu Liu, the leap of Hu Liu, and the rise of Hu Liu have entered a new era. The dreams of generations, the pursuits of generations, the explorations of generations, and the struggles of generations will rise high in the hands of the new generation of Hu Liu people.
Jiangsu Province Huahong Village Representative Team
Team leader: Gu Xiaolong
Coach: Wang Peng
Athlete: Kangle Wei Hongliang Zhang Huan Cao Yan Dong Lei Lei Chen Hongbo
Wang Yao, Liu Xuedong, Zhang Peng, Yang Tao, Chen Xizhao, Wei Haitao
Huahong Village is located at the junction of the southwest town and village in Zhouzhuang Town, Jiangyin City. Through the secondary optimization and adjustment of administrative villages, the current village area is 6.5 square kilometers, 26 natural villages, 2238 households, more than 8,000 people, and more than 7,000 migrant workers. The actual resident population has exceeded 15,000. There are more than 60 enterprises in the village, and the factory area covers an area of 150 hectares. Form a manufacturing center for multiple categories of products such as chemical fibers, machinery, artificial leather, building materials, metallurgy, chemical industry, and automotive interior parts. A chemical fiber factory with international advanced equipment and technical equipment has an annual production capacity of 400,000 tons; it has built the first country and the largest hydraulic machinery research and development and production base in Asia, with an annual production of more than 8,000 hydraulic balers and shearers, accounting for the national peers More than 60% of total sales. In addition to selling the domestic market, the products are also exported to more than 30 countries and regions on five continents; a large tertiary market covering an area of 8 hectares is built; a 1,000-ton sewage treatment plant and a 35,000-volt transmission and substation are also built. Total assets exceed 3.5 billion yuan. In 2007, Huahong Village's industrial sales reached 6.5 billion yuan, the tertiary industry circulation exceeded 1 billion yuan, and the per capita income of villagers was 20,000 yuan. The rapid development of economic construction not only strengthened the economic strength of the village, but also enhanced the support for agriculture and new rural construction, and promoted the comprehensive development of socialist new rural construction. Today, Huahong Village has become a newly emerging economically strong village and a new civilized village in rural southern Jiangsu.
The total construction area of the villagers' residential community planned and built by Huahong Village is 260,000 square meters. It is planned to resettle 1,028 households and about 4,500 villagers will be moved in. The first phase of the project invested 120 million yuan, and 59 multi-story residential buildings have been built, totaling 150,000 square meters. 600 villagers moved into their new homes (250 square meters per household, including the garage. ). The second phase of the project is planned to invest 87 million yuan, with a construction area of 110,000 square meters, and is under construction.
Huahong Century Garden is the first ecological farmer residential concentrated area built in Huahong Village. The first phase of the concentrated residential area covers an area of 225 mu (6 natural villages are relocated, saving more than 300 mu of land), and has 59 multi-story buildings. Residential houses, garages, public housing (multi-functional housing, large-scale conferences, weddings, funerals, cultural and entertainment, etc.), commercial housing, event facilities, scenic spot greening, etc. The design of Huahong Century Garden is permeated with a people-oriented design concept, with a building density of 25%, a floor area ratio of 0.78, a greening area ratio of 50%, and a sunshine ratio of 1:1.68, fully reflecting the coordination and harmony between man and nature 。 It adopts a simple and elegant modern architectural style, villa-style facade form, and decorative colors of spring, summer, autumn and winter. The interior design of the residential area is equipped with two apartments on each floor, which can be divided and integrated, making the lives of the elderly and young people relatively independent and closely connected. Each household is equipped with a garage of three bathrooms and two kitchens. This concentrated area adopts a large number of new technologies: remote meter reading, building intercom, perimeter prevention, information platform construction and other intelligent systems, and broadband networks and digital TVs are entering all households. The village has set up popular science education classes, distance education (Times Guanghua Distance Training Academy), sports and fitness and cultural entertainment venues. Relying on the national "10th Five-Year Plan" key scientific and technological research project "Research and Demonstration of Ecological Building Construction Technology in different regions" supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Huahong Village, a special study in southern Jiangsu Province, passed the acceptance of the project organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Beijing. 。 In 2006, Huahong Village was rated as the demonstration village for the construction of a socialist modern new rural area in Wuxi City, the top ten demonstration villages for the construction of a socialist new rural area in Jiangyin City, the demonstration village for the informatization of a socialist new rural area in Wuxi City, and the ecological village in Jiangsu Province.
The guiding ideology of Huahong Village's next round of new rural construction is: "Develop the economy, take the lead in prosperity, do a good job in rectification, focus on improvement, and gradually merge." The overall plan is to build 2-3 concentrated residential areas in the whole village, and retain one with Shuangqiao Natural Village with historical and cultural tastes. At present, the people of the whole village are united and united as the goal of economically strong villages and civilized new villages, following the relevant policies of the central government, and under the leadership of the village party committee and village committee!
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